Foxy and Jack rule!

venerdì 10 aprile 2009

Vanity Fair. Pagine 102 e 103.

Grazie Bea, non essendo più abbonata me lo sarei persa *_*

Ragazza correte in edicola!!
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5 commenti:

Roberta ha detto...

eli l'ho appena letto su fb... domani corro!!!!!!!!

ne approfitto x fare gli auguri a tutte!!! domani vado via, ci si rivede lunedì sera!!!

wow... meglio dell'uovo di pasqua ;D

sluky ha detto...

Eli :)))

pics, pics, pics, pics...pls :)))

eli ha detto...


they're the same pics as in EW ( the gorgeous mavie photoshoot) but I'll try to scan them..I don't have a scanner but I'll ask a friend!

Happy easter dear!

sluky ha detto...

thx Eli, Happy easter!!!

but one of pics is new!!!

ELI ha detto...


I thought it was the cover of EW, SILLY ME!
I am going to scan it soon!